Recent Items

IJ70CA Policy Statement Concerning the Situation in Ukraine [March 2, 2022]

Until such time as the IJ70CA Executive Committee rescinds or amends this statement, boats and/or sailors from the Russian Federation and Belarus are not eligible to compete in J/70 Class Events.

Current J/70 Class Rules

The class rules comprise the official J/70 Class Rules document, as well as the current J/70 Building Specification.  The International Technical Committee also maintains a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, which provides interpretations, explanations, and clarifications of the rules as needed.  The J/70 Class organization operates according to the Class Constitution

All of these documents are linked below in PDF format.

J/70 Class Rules (J70CR) [2024-01-01]

J/70 Building Specification [2022-10-05]

J/70 Frequently Asked Questions (J70FAQ) [2022-10-24]

J/70 International Class Constitution [2013-07-02]

World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS)

Rule Change Proposals

Current J/70 Class Regulations

In order to standardize the equipment inspection and on-water racing experience in J/70s and to better support regatta Organizing Authorities, the Class publishes official Equipment Regulations (covering how boats and sails are inspected at events) and Regatta Regulations (covering how race committees run the sailing events).

The Notice of Race for most Class-sponsored events will incorporate the Equipment Regulations and Regatta Regulations as rules. 

The Organizing Authority Guidelines are intended to assist in the planning for Class-sponsored events.

J/70 Equipment Regulations [2024-09-15]

J/70 Regatta Regulations [2023-01-01]

J/70 Organizing Authority Guidelines [2021-02-01]

Technical Bulletins & Reports

From time-to-time the Class Technical Committee will issue technical bulletins or other reports addressing rules-related issues as they arise.  They are linked below.

What is mixed plus?

J70 Technical Bulletin 2023-10-15

 J/70 Technical Bulletin 2021-07-22 (Note: Incorporated into the FAQ)

 J/70 ICA 2020 Survey Summary

J/70 Technical Bulletin 2020-02-03 

J/70 Technical Bulletin 2019-08-01  (Note: Incorporated into the FAQ)

J/70 Technical Bulletin 2019-04-18  (Note: Incorporated into the Class Rules)

J/70 Crew Positioning & Hiking Guidelines

J/70 2017 World Championship Keel Compliance Report


Contact the Class Office for our current NOR and SI templates, as well as other useful forms.

Pre-event Inspection Checklist

Strongly Recommended: Be sure you are ready to be inspected and race!

World Championship Qualifying

2024 World Championship Petition

J/70 World Championship Qualification System 2025

Qualified for 2024 J/70 World Championship

Manufacturer’s Declaration Information

J/70 Manufacturer’s Declaration Information and Request Form

J/70 Manufacturer’s Declaration & Boat Weight Database